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Exi(s)t – Collateral Damage

Peril Accelerator

Original music and lyrics by Ron Brouwer
Arranged and produced by Tom de Wit 

The Doomsday Clock was reset last January to just 100 seconds before midnight – the closest we have ever been to the complete and total annihilation of the earth. We now face a true emergency – an absolutely unacceptable state of world affairs that has eliminated any margin for error or further delay. The main factors that determine how close we are to midnight are the threats of nuclear weapons and climate change. The planet simply cannot sustain its ever growing population much longer.

Where the timepiece has missiles for hands

Back and forth displaying numbers counterclockwise

Where the face expresses offensive resent

A hundred seconds remain until thirteen

One three two five four – casting seven

Six nine eight ten – well after eleven

Midnight drawing near

Near complete demolition at hand

Bringing forth alarming characters revolving

Where no face expresses remorse, penitent

Hardly any time left for resolving

Dead of night nigh well past eleven

Digits out of hand spell hell or heaven

Great beyond now here

We set out to gather wealth

When we meet again

So we compromise it all

Till we meet again

Total armageddon starting at thirteen

Peril lurking grisly on the bedrock bottom

Sheer annihilation, obliterate the scene

Worse eradication we could never fathom

Where our orb’s condemned

She will wreak her revenge

We should un-intervene – quit exploiting

Petrify the world that we live in

Epitaph immortalise our leaving

Will we disappear?

We set out to gather wealth

When we meet again

So we undermine it all

Till we meet again…


Original music and lyrics by Gary Franklin

Adaptation by Ron Brouwer
Arranged and produced by Tom de Wit 

Haloes round the city lights

Can’t focus anymore

My God! I need another drink

Point me to the bar

I know it’s getting late

Kick me out the door

It’s so cold outside

But inside I’m lost and raw

Shadows touch as though they’re one

Watch them merging now

Oh man! I feel so fucking drunk

Drift away somehow

To be so cynical

Watch their schemes entrance

Should I envy them

Just for lies

And one night stands

Walking through the empty streets

At night it seems so calm

Tonight I want him so badly

Need him in my arms

I know I’ll never have

The guy of my dreams

I cannot believe

But then that’s the way it seems

Sometimes I just sit and dream

About his eyes and lips

I ache to touch him once again

My hands on his hips

I’d be so animal

Make him want to stay

Hear him moan and sigh

Feel my love so deep inside

Haloes mark the angels’ paths

Tracing through the night sky

Their God is always there for them

Guiding them in flight

I wish I could believe

Take me to the book

But no angel’s there

And inside

It’s all been took


Original music and lyrics by Ron Brouwer
Arranged and produced by Tom de Wit 

When the water is turning to blood

And the locusts arrive in their legions

Pests are falling from cloudless blue skies

Death and darkness will blanket the regions

Arid sand where there used to be oil

Mighty powers deploying their legions

Armoured heavens have come to the boil

One-time leaders replaced by


When the one gets to govern the many

Will the many be loyal to one?

When there’s no one more able than any

Then the many are faithful to


Inflicting scars

Love and respect?

A vault where others have a heart

We’d come so far

Which you neglect

You’d rather tear it all apart

Screw your hell – polarisation

Double-edged – blunt now your knives

You malignant narcissist!

Stuffing your pockets – wagering lives

Inflicting scars

Why would you care?

Just stuff your pockets, let them rot

Imposing scars

Just empty shells

You ransack in the name of God

American dream (Weltschmerz)

Original music and lyrics by Ron Brouwer
Arranged and produced by Tom de Wit 

Drogentote in den USA

Und die Ursache ist peinlich klar

Aussichtslosigkeit – wer weiß wohin

Ihr Zweck dient nur der Angstbotin

Bin ich überflüssig? Unerwünscht?

Hab ich Geld, dann hab ich eine Unterkunft

Doch verlier ich meinen Arbeitsplatz

Bleiben Zweifel – es gibt kein Ersatz

Keine Aussicht, keine Wohnung mehr

Schränke, Taschen – alle gähnend leer

Krank und schwach und ständig in Gefahr

Kaum ein Traum dort in den USA

Die Reichen werden reicher

Verzweiflung trifft den Rest

Die Lage wird ungleicher

Gesellschaftlicher Test

Nicht stehen zur Verfügung

Ernährung, Medizin

Nur Dro(hun)gen und Lügen

Und freilich Heroin

Die Pharmaindustrie verdient daran

Opioide bringt man an den Mann

Der Alltagsschmerz ist klar zu spüren

Auch Waffen können (diese) Angst nicht schlüren

So wird die Mittelschicht dort dezimiert

Abhängigkeit durchaus legitimiert

Perspektivlos in den USA

Werden alle bösen Träume wahr…

Rewarding caress

Original music and lyrics by Ron Brouwer
Arranged and produced by Tom de Wit 

Looking up to the surface

I prepare to emerge

Safely cradled in liquefied arms

Unsuspecting and clueless

I unconsciously surge

Then withdraw with the tide as it calms

My impending ascension

To a realm that’s beyond

An invertebrate shedding its scales

Spells a thrilling sensation

That outtricks any wand

Born to set rudimentary sails

Let me be baptised in air

Voices of million-watt lights invite me

At last embracing my share

I let the dance of the night ignite me

Let there be life in my wake

The thinner sound of my breath nutritious

Allow the venture I take

To relay all of my secret wishes

Abandoning rewarding caress

Unchallenged at the dawn of existence

Awarded evolution access

Immortalised transitoriness

Unguarded against obvious resistance

Implies renewed rewarding caress…

Let me be baptised in air ​(Looking up to the surface)

Voices of million-watt light invite me ​(I prepare to emerge)

At last embracing my share ​(Safely cradled in liquefied arms)

I let the dance of the night ignite me

Let there be life in my wake ​(Unsuspecting and clueless)

The thinner sound of my breath nutritious ​(I unconsciously surge)

Allow the venture I take ​(Then withdraw with the tide as it calms)

To relay all of my secret wishes

Abandoning rewarding caress ​(Let me be baptised in air)

Unchallenged at the dawn of existence ​(Allow the venture I take)

Awarded evolution access

Immortalised transitoriness ​(Let there be life in my wake)

Unguarded against obvious resistance ​(At last embracing my share)

Implies renewed rewarding caress…

Sancta Sapientia

Original music and lyrics by Ron Brouwer
Arranged and produced by Tom de Wit 

“Those who have worn the crown should never survive its loss.

Never will I see the day when I am not saluted as empress.

Royalty is a fine burial shroud. Purple makes a fine winding sheet.”

Empress Theodora, emperor Justitian’s wife, upon dissuading her husband to flee Constantinople when the Nίκα riots broke out

Sancta Sapientia

Imbuta in fide



Sancta Sapientia

Templum incarnatum

Historia se repetit

Sancta Sapientia

Five three two, Constantinople

Taxes, oppression, corruption

Nίκα, the crowds broke

The palace under siege

Sancta Sapientia

Imbuta in fide

Historia se repetit

Sancta Sapientia

Casualties mounting to thirty thousand

Raise from destruction a temple – the third

Built to proportions unprecedented

Largest cathedral for one thousand years

Wisdom of God, Logos Sophia

Centre of the Eastern Orthodox Church

Justinian emperor throne overthrown now

Usher in pilgrims for ninety years

Twenty twenty prepared propaganda

Danıştay rule reaped a race in reverse

Revoking the monument’s designation

Sentenced unlawful by Islamic wafq

Widely considered to be controversial

Worldly, religious – the world was opposed

Sancta Sapientia reduced to some bauble

A gadget for leaders to manipulate at will…

Sancta Sapientia

Imbuta in fide



Sancta Sapientia

Templum incarnatum

Historia se repetit

Sancta Sapientia

Hands Off

Original music and lyrics by Ron Brouwer
Arranged and produced by Tom de Wit 

Night after night you wake up screaming

The trigger a trauma that can’t be undone

Scars carved marks that marred your psyche

Unleashed by vile demons that claim everyone

Forcing their victims with violent hand

Inflicting a burden they won’t understand – hands off!

Indulging their fantasies, their twisted minds

Reversal denied, chained in shackles, consigned

Hands off – I’ll drown your tears

Hands off – Erase your fears

Castigate this evil


Unto others do as you would have them do to you

Scores of reports of shattered children

Just sharing your screens equals smearing your grime

Violating fragile victims

Inflicting a terror – the ultimate crime

Juvenile soldiers work violence in hand

Erasing, defacing by haunting command – hands off!

Some desecrate deity (now) glorified

Immaculate innocence – infanticide

Hands off  – I’ll drown your tears

Hands off – Erase your fears



And so it ends

Original music and lyrics by Ron Brouwer
Arranged and produced by Tom de Wit 

So this is how it ends…

Ahead – a myriad of goodbyes

Too late to make amends

The sparkle’s left my eyes… 

I merely feel the anger

Of powerlessness within

The battle’s at an end now

Impossible to win  

No trial, but still I’m sentenced

No proof could right this wrong

No evidence, no insight

Oh, how to overcome

Convicted and abandoned

Marooned and washed ashore

On empty fuel cells coping

While I wonder

What is left that’s worth waiting for… 

Shifting baseline syndrome

Real and resolute

Watch uprooted strays roam

Needy, destitute

Aging bodies crumble

Watch your fading youth

Progress defects humble

Bear the painful truth

Unemployed and homeless

Garbage random food

All perspective hopeless

Ultimate ruin resolute 

Physically unprepared what lies ahead

Chimera now rules

Quizzically unaware, striding ahead

Common sense now duels

Loved ones will be lost once

Noise subdued to mute

Silence in abundance

Parting absolute

Physically unprepared what lies ahead

Common sense now duels 

And so it ends, all life transcends

Know that it all depends

Junctions and bends, raptor ascends

And so it ends

Take temporal take, physical flaws, climate control

Safe – safe social spoils, loitering laws, abandon all 

Physically unprepared what lies ahead

When deception duels

Quizzically unaware, striding ahead

Now deception rules

And so it ends, all life transcends

Know that it all depends

Junctions and bends, raptor ascends

And so it ends

Defeated and deflated

A husk, an empty shell

The end.